Create Route Table

Create Route Table for Outbound Internet Routing via Internet Gateway

  1. In the VPC interface:

    • Select Route Tables.
    • Click on Create route table.

    Create VPC

  2. Configure the Route table:

    • Enter a Name: Route table-Public
    • Choose the VPC: Select ASG VPC (VPC ID will auto-fill).
    • Click on Create route table.

    Create VPC

  3. Complete creating the Route table.

    Create VPC

  4. To make route edits:

    • Select Actions.
    • Choose Edit routes.

    Create VPC

  5. In the Edit routes interface:

    • Click on Add route.
    • Fill in the Destination CIDR: representing the Internet.
    • In the Target section, select Internet Gateway, then choose the created Internet Gateway (Gateway ID auto-fills).
    • Click Save changes.

    Create VPC

  6. Review and confirm the updated Routes.

    Create VPC

  7. Ensure that Route table - Public is selected.

    • Select Subnet Associations.
    • Click on Edit subnet associations.

    Create VPC

  8. In the Edit subnet associations step:

    • Adjust the width of the Subnet ID column by dragging the pane to the right.
    • Select the appropriate 2 public subnets that were created.

    Create VPC

  9. Click on Save associations.

    Create VPC

  10. Review and confirm the updated Subnet associations.

Create VPC